
From Publication Committee

Revision as of 14:57, 6 February 2019 by Ryan (talk | contribs)

(1) After CWR is announced, the PubComm chair will select two members of the PubComm to serve as editors. The PubComm chair will announce the names of the editors to the paper's hypernews forum, cc'ing the editors, and will note the assignment on the PubComm webpage.

(2) During CWR, the PubComm editors are encouraged to take a look at the paper and raise any physics issues, or major presentation issues, they find (optional).

(3) After CWR, the PC will announce the start of PubComm review and will ask the authors to send the latex source files directly to the PubComm editors.

(4) The first editor will put the source files in a directory in our IHEPBox account. For organization, use the directory name:

  • PubComm/Papers/E_YYMMDD_BAMXXX_AB_CD


  • E -- for editing
  • YYMMDD -- date source files received
  • BAMXXX -- BAM number
  • AB -- initials of first editor
  • CD -- initials of second editor

(5) The first editor will make edits and will make a file diff_AB.pdf (if possible) to document changes using latexdiff:

  • (5a) make a new source file:
    > cp original.tex modified.tex
  • (5b) make edits
  • (5c) compile:
    > latexdiff original.tex modified.tex > diff_AB.tex
    > pdflatex diff_AB.tex

Note on latexdiff: If the original latex file is split into several pieces (e.g. by using input or include commands), latexdiff won't work. In this case, before editing, first put all of the source files into one file using latexpand:

    > latexpand original.tex -o neworiginal.tex

Here is a complete example of compiling:

    > pdflatex modified.tex
    > pdflatex modified.tex
    > pdflatex modified.tex
    > latexpand original.tex -o lastVersion.tex
    > latexpand modified.tex -o newVersion.tex
    > latexdiff lastVersion.tex newVersion.tex > diff.tex
    > pdflatex diff.tex
    > pdflatex diff.tex

(6) The first editor tells the second editor when the first round of edits is finished (and they discuss any remaining problems).

(7) The second editor makes any additional edits to the modified.tex file and produces two diff files: diff_CD.pdf (diff with AB's version) and diff.pdf (diff with the original).

(8) After editing, the second editor posts diff.pdf to hypernews and sends the author modified.tex. This marks the end of the PubComm review.

(9) The author updates the draft on the DocDB using modified.tex and reposts to hypernews.

(10) The PC tells the spokesperson the draft is ready for spokesperson approval (and includes a link to the paper in DocDB).

(11) To clean up the IHEPBox folder and to document work, the second editor puts diff_AB.pdf, diff_CD.pdf, diff.pdf, and modified.tex (for example) into a directory called:

  • PubComm/Papers/F_YYMMDD_yymmdd_BAMXXX_AB_CD


  • F -- for finished
  • YYMMDD -- date source files received
  • yymmdd -- date pubcomm review ended
  • BAMXXX -- BAM number
  • AB -- initials of first editor
  • CD -- initials of second editor

The second editor then moves the original directory (the one that started with E) to the folder called:

  • PubComm/Papers/Completed