
From Publication Committee

(1) meeting time/frequency and video connection

The standing committee will meet the first Tuesday (Wednesday in Beijing) of every month. Since that lands on 1/1 next month, our next meeting will be 1/8 at these times:

Tuesday, January 8:

  • 12:00 PM Hawaii
  • 5:00 PM Eastern US
  • 10:00 PM UK
  • 11:00 PM Germany

Wednesday, January 9:

  • 6:00 AM Beijing

We'll stick to the IU bridge method for now. The only hangup is that you need to use the chrome browser. From a web browser (we recommend Chrome), go to https://bridge.iu.edu, enter 230267 and your name, then click Connect.

(2) choosing 5 additional members for 1-year terms

From 10 candidates, we chose these 5:

  • Liang Sun <sunl@whu.edu.cn>
  • Johan Messchendorp <messchendorp@kvi.nl>
  • Xin Shi <shixin@ihep.ac.cn>
  • Tord Johansson <Tord.Johansson@physics.uu.se>
  • Igor Boyko <boyko@mail.cern.ch>

(3) updates to the author webpage

We discussed the updated author webpage. The only point that needed discussion was the procedure for resubmitting papers after journal review. We agreed to start following the procedure as it's written in the webpage. The paper should be posted to the collaboration for 3 days before resubmission (coordinated by the physics coordinator).

(4) operating procedures

  • We'll try to use IHEPBox as a way to coordinate versions. A new folder called PubComm was put in IHEPBox: http://ihepbox.ihep.ac.cn
  • We will try to have our own wiki page to keep track of papers being edited, meeting times, members, procedures, etc. Ryan is coordinating with Shuopin.
  • We'll try to use latexdiff as a way to track our edits to papers. Here is what Ryan does:
    > latexdiff original.tex ryan.tex > diff.tex
    > pdflatex diff.tex
  • Names of the first and second readers will be included in the emails that announce CWR. Ryan will discuss with Beijiang.
  • We discussed whether or not to participate in the CWR process. Since the paper becomes our responsibility as soon as CWR is passed, Ryan suggests we also participate in the CWR process (as we technically should anyway, as members of the collaboration). If we catch major problems during CWR, then our job during the editing phase becomes much easier. But this is just a suggestion -- individual committee members can do whatever they want during CWR.
  • Wolfgang will share the BaBar latex style file. We will post this on the author webpage and encourage authors to use it. As editors, we'll try to adhere to these same conventions.
  • Guy suggested we have a standard bibtex file with BESIII papers and perhaps other commonly cited papers. We'll think more about this as the process gets going.